First of all, the movie is completely finished! After close to a month of editing, sound mixing, doing voiceover work and composing the music, I can say that this film is utterly finished. No more post-production.
We shot the film on a Panasonic HVX-200 camera in 720/24p High Definition. This was the first time I’ve worked with an HD workflow and I actually found it very accessible and enjoyable. Not to mention the 24 frames per second difference, but the HD really helps elevate everything on screen.
I had written this film in about two days and sent it to my good friend, Colin Rogers, to shoot on a whim. The genesis of the script actually came from an urge I had to shoot something that was narrative based, but was maybe more poetic and abstract and less grounded inside a traditional narrative arc. There is a clear beginning and a clear end, but it is more in the style of a vignette than it is a story. Perhaps, a short subject might be a better term than short film. In any case, here’s a quick preview of the script I wrote.
The goal of this film was never to be anything more than a vehicle to familiarize myself with the Panasonic camera, but Colin and I found that we might have a chance at some festivals. So far it has been submitted to the Progeny Film Festival, a local festival for Virginia Tech students and local filmmakers and the James River Film Festival, which takes place in Richmond, VA. We are considering submitting to the DC Shorts festival as well as Virginia State University’s 3rd Annual Film Festival.
Below I have posted some frame captures of the film (no spoilers, I like the ending as a surprise!). Also, the teaser trailer can be found via YouTube. I will keep you posted on submission results and the ongoing progress of the finished film through Black and Blue, although my Twitter account is sometimes faster.