From our ongoing exploration of ways to become a faster and more efficient camera assistant, today’s tip is:
8. Keep Your Mouth Shut
Not only is this a great way to save time, but it’s also one of Dick Barth’s famous “Four Rules of Camera Assisting.”
And there’s good reason it’s there — besides helping you stay one step ahead, keeping your mouth shut also makes you more focused on the task at hand.
Just think about the last time you tried to tell the story of that time the key grip punched somebody at the bar while also tinkering with the camera. Either the story suffered or the camera did.
Staying quiet also factors strongly into productivity. The less you’re spending time chatting, the more you’re looking for something else to fill your time.
Of course, there are appropriate moments for a few jokes or a prank, but when it’s crunch time, mum’s the word.
Over to you: how often do you see other crew waste time by chatting on set?