Focus puller Alice writes some thoughts on the Movi from a camera assistant’s perspective:
Much like when a steadicam is bought in for the day the Movi needs a dedicated assistant to build it and continually adjust the settings according to the operator’s needs, change lens etc…each change needs a rebalance and a steadicam rebalance is quicker. Trying to build one and shoot in between with another camera is just too much, it’s counterproductive on set.
Shots on a Movi should be treated with as much respect as a steadicam. At the moment I don’t believe its ‘quicker’ and focusing on a complicated Movi shot is much harder than with an experienced steadicam operator. I say this because with the best will in the world the majority of people holding and operating the Movi cannot physically hold the rig and repeat the shots the same two times in a row. Trying to get focus marks today was just out of the question, I had to wing it and pull off the monitor which is not my style and it didn’t look the best.
The whole post is worth reading to get an idea of what to look for when working alongside a Movi rig.