Imagine this: after going back and forth for days, you’ve finally been offered your first film gig and feel like you’re taking a step in the right direction for your film career. But there’s a catch — there always is, isn’t there?
Filmmaking Tips and Advice
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The Best Film Job You’ve Never Had
The best film jobs aren’t easy to find. Like a hole-in-the-wall restaurant or your favorite local dive bar, you learn about the truly great filmmaking gigs through networking and keeping an ear to the ground.
How to Use a Phantom Miro CineFlash Drive with Mac OS X
How to Nail the Timing of Your Next Rack Focus
Pulling focus is arguably the 1st Assistant Camera’s most important duty. A shot can be beautifully lit, impeccably framed, and feature Oscar-winning acting, but if it’s not in focus, it’s likely to end up on the cutting room floor. That’s what’s at stake for the focus puller.
5 Important Factors for Calculating and Negotiating Your Day Rate
It’s tricky when you’re first asked what your day rate is. You don’t want to price yourself out of a job, but you don’t want to leave any money on the table either. So here’s five important factors that will help you decide what kind of paycheck to negotiate for.
Why Are We So Obsessed with Camera Specs?
It happens everytime a new camera is released. The film vs. digital debate gets dragged out of the mud it’s been trampled into and is subject to another beating. After that runs its course, a more nuanced debate starts happening: one digital system vs. another digital system.
The Physicality of Camera Assisting and How It Could Cost You a Job
No you don’t need to be able to run a marathon to be an astute camera assistant, but you’ll be much better and faster if you can last a whole day on set without getting sore the next day. And the AC’s that can keep up are the ones who keep getting phone calls.
How to Pack a Pick-Up Truck (or Car) Full of Expensive Film Gear
When was the last time you drove a car with $100,000 worth of camera gear in the back? This tutorial is for the down-and-dirty low budget realm — those with grip trucks need not apply.
The Glorious Gluttony of Filming in Restaurants and the Best Meal I’ve Ever Had
What is so awesome about shooting in restaurants — good restaurants — is you get the satisfaction of a finely prepared meal without the guilt of paying for it. In fact, someone is paying you to eat it.
50 Things That Suck for Camera Assistants (and 50 Things That Don’t)
Filmmaking isn’t always fun. Sometimes it can suck — and suck pretty hard. The public persona of Hollywood may be glitz and glam, but there’s definitely moments when that facade falls apart, especially below the line.