Marking is fairly straight forward, especially when there are multiple colors of paper tape available to assign to each actor. There are, however, some situations where two actors are marked with the same color. How do you deal with this?

Camera Assisting
How to Get Better at Pulling Focus, Slating, and Being a Badass AC
Most Recent Articles in "Camera Assisting"
Page 10
Quick Tip: Dealing with Actors Missing Their Marks
A T-mark on the ground notifying where an actor should “land” is crucial to camera assistants and camera operators alike. But not every actor can land on it perfectly everytime. In fact, some of them are wildly inconsistent. Here’s how to handle this frustrating situation.
Doug Hart on the Job of the 1st Assistant Camera (Video)
Douglas Hart is one the most respected names within camera assisting / operating / cinematography circles. That’s because he spent a good while as a camera assistant for Gordon Willis and is also the author of one of two essential books on camera assisting. This is a guy who has seen it all, done it all and despite his humble claims, probably knows it all too.
The Importance of the 2nd Camera Assistant
As I’ve said before, some of the most talented camera assistants pass for being invisible. As a result of this, they are often left behind in budgets or the minds of production. That kind of naiveté about the position led Dan Wagner, and a few others, to draft an essay titled “The Importance of the 2nd Camera Assistant” – a manifesto outlining what a 2nd AC does and why a production should invest in a good one.
Quick Tip: Slating in Frame Every Time
One of the major responsibilities of a 2nd assistant camera (2nd AC or clapper/loader) is to maintain and operate the slate. There is a subtle art to the slate that has been perfected by many across the world and a large part of the craft is making sure the slate is in frame for the editors to see.
A Salute to 2nd AC’s Everywhere (Video)
Remember that old series of Bud Light commercials that saluted “real men of genius?” Where they would pick someone who is almost always relatively unknown but that everyone is aware of and sing a song to/about them? Well, it turns out that Bud Light was willing to shine a light on the usually invisible camera assistants in one of these ads.
Michael Caine Talks About Marks and Focus (Video)
About 20 years ago, Michael Caine, one of the more talented and prolific actors of modern times, made a video called “Acting in Film” that was aired on the BBC. While in school, a professor showed me the hour-long workshop and I was inspired by Caine’s knowledge of not just the abstract concepts but the detailed acting techniques that are also important.
100 Great Resources for Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Film Professionals
One of my goals when I started this blog was to be a place that could redirect its readers to valuable resources they might not otherwise find. Well, I have taken this to the extreme and listed out 100 resources for cinematographers, camera assistants, and film professionals that features everything from places to find work, to books, to podcasts and forums.
Camera Assistant Failure and Advice to Avoid Doing It Yourself (Video)
I want to call attention to a video I found simply titled “Camera Assistant Failure.” In the video, the AC finds himself in a tight squeeze with a tricky focus pull, except he handled it poorly.
Quick Tip: Using Sharpie on a Slate and Erasing It
Here’s a quick tip another camera assistant taught me: if you’re in a hurry to write on the slate and can’t find a dry erase marker, use a Sharpie. It’s supposed to be permanent but there is a way to erase it completely off the slate without having to worry about leaving any sort of residue…