RED has since fixed some of these monitor issues with software updates and hardware modules, but those working with a vanilla RED Epic should still be aware of monitor limitations.

Camera Specific Articles from RED to ARRI to DSLR's
Most Recent Articles in "Cameras"
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Shooting with RED Epic #2: REDVOLT Batteries Trade Power for Portability
The RED Epic will accept many different battery types with the right adapter to jack into the power port, but the introduction of Epic also saw the introduction of REDVOLT batteries. And that’s what I want to talk about today.
Shooting with RED Epic #1: How to Properly Calibrate Black Shading
When RED announced the Epic’s boot time had been whittled down to a mere 7 seconds, many celebrated the achievement. But now, with Epic, there’s a different time wasting culprit — black shading calibration.
10 Things You Need to Know Before Shooting with RED Epic (Series)
This series will cover things like black-shading calibration, REDVOLT batteries, firmware updates, and using still lenses with the Epic. Not every post will cover a “major” problem, but each will cover an issue that is extremely helpful to be aware of before you even prep the camera.
Avoid These 3 Practical DSLR “Gotchas” for a Smoother Shoot
If you’re working on a gig as a camera assistant (AC), you’re going to find out why some moan and groan when shooting with DSLR’s. A lot of the reason behind these hissy-fits are the camera’s impracticalities in a film production environment — or “gotchas” — and here are three of them that can stall your production or even ruin your footage.
What Functions Do You Use with ARRI Alexa?
With the ARRI Alexa, you only have five customizable buttons with different options. With limited real estate, choosing which functions you customize can speed you up — or slow you down. So how do you decide what functions make the cut?
Be a Faster AC #12: Customize the Camera
The camera is sacred to the camera assistant, but that doesn’t mean it has to be treated like an ancient artifact. If you’re so afraid about damaging the camera that you only touch it to start rolling on a shot, then you’re missing out on some great ways to speed yourself up.
The Hidden Cost of RED Epic and Digital Cinema
While the RED Epic stands to improve on its predecessor in both technology and price, there is a cost hidden within the complex circuitry and 5K sensor of the camera. This isn’t the cost of time or quality – it equates to real money – so if you’re stretching your budget thin already, you might want to pay attention.
Get Your Free RED Epic Pocket Guide Download!
When the RED Epic starts going into mass production next month, will you be ready? Get a head start and grab a copy of the RED Epic Pocket Guide. You’ll get the most essential information about the RED Epic on one sheet of paper that can fold up and fit in your jean pockets.
Do You Use ARRI Alexa Custom Lists and Buttons?
The camera assistants I know who have worked with Alexa basically worship the camera. A major part of that reason is its ability to be heavily customized for each production. If you aren’t already taking advantage of it, the Alexa’s custom list values and custom user buttons could save you plenty of time on set and you’ll fall in love too.