While you won’t actually find your true calling in the film industry on a flowchart, you may find an inkling of truth about the different types of crew if you read between the arrows.

Getting Work
How to get Jobs in the Film Industry
Most Recent Articles in "Getting Work"
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How to Get Producers to Beg You to Work
It’s the phone call we all hope to get from a producer: “I really need you coming up. There’s nobody else we want.” There’s something satisfying about being needed and wanted by a production, especially when it feels like you’re just another cog in the Hollywood machine.
Is the Camera Department Right for You?
It’s time to find out whether or not you have what it takes to make it in the camera department. While I got lucky when I fell into camera assisting, I want you to be aware of some of the demands you’ll be met with if you decide to pursue a career in camera.
Five Infographics About the Frantic World of Freelancing
There’s a reason why a majority of the population chooses to work for somebody else. It’s easier, it’s simpler, it’s dependable. Freelancing — in any industry — is tough. Here are five infographics that beautifully deconstruct and examine what it means to freelance.
What “Deadliest Catch” Can Teach You About Persistence
For those who have never caught an episode of Discovery Channel’s flagship show Deadliest Catch, it’s a reality series set deep within the world of Alaskan crab fishing. For every 100,000 people that set out to do the job, about 300 never return mostly due to drowning or hypothermia.
The Rollercoaster Ride of Landing a Film Crew Gig
You pick up the phone and you call the producer back, dialing each number slowly to delay the inevitable, but ready to pull out all the stops to help you actually get the gig. Before you know it, the phone is ringing and it’s like you’re strapped in to a rollercoaster — one you’ve never been on before, one built to scare the hell out of you.
The Deadly Dangers of the Double Dip
Like water bursting from a dam, the calls flood in all at once. You fill up your next couple of weeks, hurriedly penciling in gigs without thought, blinded by the excitement of work. And then you end up with “the double dip” – a stretch of work where you’re doing two different jobs on the same days.
7 Difficulties Friends and Family Have With Your Film Job
The freelance lifestyle is a tough sell to your friends and family who are used to traditional types of jobs. You know, the kind of jobs where you wear a suit and tie, shave every morning, smile at the boss, and, well, earn a steady paycheck. To them, freelancing is the complete antithesis of that.
5 Steps to Boost Your Professional Credibility
Professionals not only talk the talk, but walk the walk and are always trying to run. They want to be better than everyone else even if they know they can’t be in certain areas. They feed on the fuel of set work and power through the days you think you just won’t make it.
Warning: Sign That Deal Memo at Your Own Risk
Deal memos are traditionally seen as legal protection for the production company hiring you, but it’s a two way street. These documents also secure certain rights of your own, most importantly your right to get paid.