Rarely do experiences turn out how we think they will or, if they do, there’s still a small element of surprise. Starting your career in the film industry is like that too. Your expectations for life as a filmmaker are sure to be challenged and some of them will turn out to be unrealistic, like these these 7 listed below.

Getting Work
How to get Jobs in the Film Industry
Most Recent Articles in "Getting Work"
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“I’m Stuck in a Rut, I Want to Direct”
You’re not really making your movies. You’re helping someone else make theirs. You’re the one getting coffee or turning knobs, but you don’t have much creative input at all. In short, you want to direct but you’re knee deep in a different department.
5 Situations That You’ll Want to Hire a Pro Camera Assistant
Too many productions cut their budget by cutting the camera assistant (AC). This is a mistake. When the director of photography (DP) worries about the lights, the grips, and composition, do you really want to leave them also shouldering the duties of lenses and filters?
The One Mistake that Cost Me $400
And getting paid to make films is about as good as it gets in this tiny world, so why would anyone want to screw that up? Well, to be honest, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t want to. It just… happened.
5 Mistakes That Hurt Your Chances for a Job
You’re left wondering why producers aren’t tripping over each other offering you gigs. Well, it may be their fault, but it may also be yours. If you make any of the 5 mistakes below, you could be hurting your chances to land that perfect job.
Are You Struggling to Find Film Work?
Freelancing in the film industry is tough. Not only is the work hard and the hours long, but you have to hustle to even get the chance to work. One of the keys to survival is having a big hat rack at your disposal.
Working as a Local On Location: Good or Bad Idea?
Working on location is something every freelancer will do throughout their career in the film industry. And, generally, it’s not an issue. Where it gets prickly, however, is when the production wants you to work on location, but for a local rate – what do you do then?
The Steven Spielberg Three Step Guide to Rejection
The first time Steven Spielberg applied to film school, he was rejected. It turns out, he did just fine for himself. So let’s take a look at how Spielberg handled his rejection and, ultimately, used it to propel himself to Hollywood success.
10 Questions You Should Ask When Writing Your Resume
A quality resume is something that every freelancer struggles with. How can you dilute a wealth of knowledge and experience onto one page? It hardly seems fair, and honestly, it isn’t.
If You Don’t Collect Call Sheets Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
In the land of freelancing, anybody can claim experience and make up fake productions to confirm their work. So if you want to join a union or another professional organization, having proof of real experience is necessary. One way to prove that is through call sheets, so if you aren’t collecting them, here’s why you should start right now.