Though producers should be largely concerned with big decisions made in regards to the production, there are times where they need to leverage that power to treat their crew right.So, first time directors listen up — and producers, some of this stuff goes for you too — here are 5 things that are important to do to keep a crew happy from someone sitting happily below the line.

Miscellaneous Tips
How to survive in the film industry: from setiquette to crafty
Most Recent Articles in "Miscellaneous Tips"
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13 Tips for Young Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
Over at Pro Video Coalition, Art Adams has a great piece about advice for those just starting out trying to be cinematographers or directors of photography in the industry. In it, the experienced DP himself covers topics ranging from politeness to arrogance to working for free in 13 digestible sections.
30 New Years Resolutions for the Independent Filmmaker in 2011
With a new year brings new beginnings and those dreaded new years resolutions. Despite the majority of people’s inability keep them, many still enjoy to make them because it inspires hope for something better in their future.
Film Set Lingo: Walkie Talkies and Radios – Part 3
There is one aspect of film sets that everyone must deal with at some point though and that is radio communication. Specifically, walkie talkies. It may seem like a no brainer – talk like you would talk normally – but there is actually a general set of guidelines as well as specific phrases that are integral to clear and professional radio communication on set.
Film Set Lingo: Camera Department Terms – Part 2
This week I will list out some of the more common phrases used within the camera department and some of the ones that I’ve heard on set that I liked.
Film Set Lingo: General Production Slang – Part 1
Working on a film set can be a daunting, albeit exciting, opportunity. There are tons of hurdles to jump including experience, pace and, of course, language. This week, I will focus on general production slang. That is, lingo that isn’t focused on a single department.
Advice from the DP Red Wizard, Timmy Rubensteiner
I have featured Timmy Rubensteiner, the self-proclaimed DP Red Wizard, on my blog before when he released a useful video explaining how to use the RED Camera Magic Movie Input Machine. But Rubensteiner, surprisingly, is willing to share even more of his knowledge of RED, cinematography, and set etiquette on Facebook where he posts intermittent pieces of advice.
10 Keys to Your Success on a Film Set
Every day people on film sets fail to follow these 10 keys to success. And it’s costing them jobs. So pay close attention and you’ll take one big step towards helping yourself get more work and be better at it.