Back in the day, before the REDone and other digital cinema platforms, Hollywood used to make films on, well, film. There are, however, certain directors who have adopted either a completely digital workflow, or many aspects of one. These are the top 5 most guilty directors, and their films, of not just shooting digital, but utilizing it in the wrong ways and not playing to digital cinematography’s strengths.

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‘Below the Beltway’ Featured on ‘Ace of Cakes’
Below the Beltway, a DC-based independent film I worked on over this summer, is supposed to be featured in tonight’s 10:00 p.m. episode of Ace of Cakes.
“Red Herring” Official Trailer
“Red Herring” is a Las Vegas based independent film produced by Cohencidence Productions that I worked on back in October as the First Assistant Camera for a talented cinematographer and good friend, Kunitaro Ohi. It’s a film that’s shoot was as grueling as it was rewarding – nothing worth doing comes easy, I suppose.