Colin Rogers and I’s short film, ‘Doppelganger,’ was officially selected into the Progeny Film Festival in Blacksburg. I received the e-mail yesterday to confirm it. Both Colin and I are relieved and excited about this. We had expected to get in, but there is never any guarantee. This is the festival that was our goal to submit (and hopefully win awards at) for ‘Doppelganger’

Articles That Have Moved on to Greener Pastures
Most Recent Articles in "Retired"
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Michael Uslan of Batman Fame Visits Virginia Tech
Last week, Michael Uslan, the executive producer of every Batman movie since the first one, was on the Virginia Tech campus to speak. I was skeptical on why he was in Blacksburg, because we never get big names. But I went anyway, to see what he had to say.
The American Dream is Bagels: Lighting Project
For my advanced cinema production class, I had to do a lighting project with a surprising amount of creative freedom to it. For my project, I wrote a six page treatment, picked five scenes out of that treatment, lit them and took stills. All of this I then presented to my class.
News About My New Short Film: Doppelganger
Doppelganger is my newest short film about, “a man who questions the legitimacy of his life, the hypocrisy he contributes to it and how this relates to the frame-by-frame of old film projectors.”
New Semester, New Classes
I’m in the waning years of my collegiate career now, which annoyingly coincides with the progressive expansion of Virginia Tech’s cinema school. Luckily, however, I’m still able to slip into these classes before I finally get out of here.
‘Inglourious Basterds’ Script Review
Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Inglourious Basterds’ (that’s how Tarantino spells it in the script) has long been developed by Tarantino himself. It turned into a Chinese Democracy of sorts until last year, at Cannes, Tarantino announced he was going to return the next year with the finished movie. Whether or not the movie will be available by the time of Cannes is up for debate, but the movie is fast into production and will certainly be released by the end of 2009.
Review: Wall-E
Wall-E is such a charismatic character, it’s amazing that Stanton is able to get away with it. He makes maybe four noises the entire movie and much of the first act is without dialogue.
Review: Hellboy II: The Golden Army
“Hellboy II: The Golden Army,” is an imaginative and boisterous movie brought to the screen by the enigmatic yet elegant Guillermo del Toro. The film is the follow-up to the 2004 original so it doesn’t suffer from the drag of origin stories that have become so customary.
On American Naturalism and Stephen Crane’s ‘The Open Boat’
Crane’s “The Open Boat” is a perfect piece to examine the naturalistic mode of writing. It contains elements that include a pessimistic tone and external forces that are indifferent to the characters in the story. As a naturalist, Stephen Crane is a leader.
Duality in Kate Chopin’s ‘The Awakening’
Kate Chopin’s last novel, originally titled “The Solitary Soul,” was published at the turn of the century in 1899. The Awakening would grow to become Chopin’s most recognized piece of literature and an invaluable study of early 20th century American writing.