Unfortunately for audiences going to see the new movie “21,” the producers of the film didn’t adhere to that all-important Vegas slogan that gives reprieve to the city of sin: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

Articles That Have Moved on to Greener Pastures
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Who’s in Whoville? Carrey, Carrell Star in Latest Seuss Screenplay
Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is no stranger to the Hollywood treatment of his books.It started in 2000 with Ron Howard’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and was followed by “The Cat in the Hat,” starring Mike Myers in 2003. While both of those films were live action, this most recent Dr. Seuss adaptation of “Horton Hears a Who” has dipped into the ever-expanding realm of computer animation.
On American Realism and Mark Twain’s ‘The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyberg’
Realism was often told regionally as writers tried to capture the “local color” of their towns as they slowly dwindled into urbanization. It largely came from the South and Midwest regions.
‘Be Kind Rewind’ Offers Entertainment
Gondry’s latest venture, “Be Kind Rewind,” stars Jack Black and Mos Def as friends who, through a quirky series of events, find themselves making their own versions of popular movies.
‘Charlie Bartlett:’ The Movie That Could Have Been
“Charlie Bartlett,” from director Jon Poll, follows the titular 17-year-old boy, played by Anton Yelchin, whose shenanigans have had him continuously kicked out of private schools.
Technology Format War Continues: HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray
HD-DVD and Blu-Ray disc formats continue to duke It out and begin to render current DVDs obsolete – who will win?
‘Cloverfield’ A Monstrous Thrill Ride
Leading up to its release, ‘Cloverfield’ was one of the most hyped movies of the year after its teaser trailer premiered before “Transformers” last summer. The anticipation for the movie was built on secrecy, originally not even giving a title but merely a release date of Jan. 18, 2008.
Denzel Dazzles Audiences as Druglord in Latest Ridley Scott Gangster Film
Based on a true story, “Gangster” follows the rise of a man from Harlem in the crime world and a cop who is out to catch him and his cohorts.
Little Glimmers in Kapur’s Sequel, ‘Elizabeth: The Golden Age’
In 1998, director Shekhar Kapur took on a film written by Michael Hirst that chronicled the early reign of the virgin queen, Elizabeth I. “Elizabeth” starred Cate Blanchett in the title role, Geoffrey Rush and Joseph Fiennes. The resulting film was nominated for seven academy awards, including a nomination for Remi Adefarasin’s cinematography.
‘Eastern Promises’ Promises Drama, Mystery and Mafia
Choosing to become part of a crime family is something that can’t be changed. Once the choice is made, it becomes permanent. A life of crime is tempting; it’s full of danger, money, and sex. Its rewards are great but the risks are usually greater.