A camera assistant’s pouch is designed specifically to speed you up. It’s made to put the most needed tools right on your hip so that what you need, when you need it, is no more than an arm’s length away.

Useful filmmaking gear, DIY Projects, and ideas for building out your kit
Most Recent Articles in "Toolkit"
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Be a Faster AC #5: Use Your Sharpie as an Emergency Mark
If you don’t keep a Sharpie in your pocket, shame on you! I’ll have to report you to the Camera Assistant’s Council and they will recommend you for review and probation.
Be a Faster AC #1: Use a Camera Cart for Your Gear
Some camera packages contain an abundance of cases that slow you down when you have to move them. Even simply turning around in a scene is a hassle as you move each case one-by-one until the whole lot is out of the shot. With a camera cart, you can simply wheel everything away all at once in an instant.
5 Tips to Help Keep Your BNC Cables Working
One cable you’re likely to encounter on set is the BNC cable. In my experience, BNC cables are highly fickle and, if not treated right, can easily stop working. So here best practices to keep in mind to help you make your BNC cables last — at least until you have to return them!
Why My Two Toolbags Are Better Than Your One
Where would I be today without my second toolbag? Disorganized, lost, in a maelstrom of chaos. I’d be in shambles, subject to fitting all my tools into one bag and overloading it to the point where it’s not even practical to carry. That’s not the kind of world I want to live in — do you?
12 Do-It-Yourself Projects for Camera Assistants
As a camera assistant, you know the value in being resourceful and there’s nothing more emblematic of that attitude than a solid do-it-yourself project.
How to Build a Film Slate for Under $15
The cheapest slate on Filmtools is $50. Fifty bucks won’t break the bank, but beginners may want to use that money for smaller, more necessary tools. So I went out to the store to see if you could make a clapperboard on a budget of $15 that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to bring to set.
Useful Cinematography iPhone Apps (Part 6)
There’s no arguing with the numbers that the iPhone platform is more powerful than ever. As a resourceful filmmaker, your job is to capitalize on any tool that can help you work on set faster, better, and with more efficiency. Having a smartphone enables you to do just that.
Finding the Best Laser Measuring Device for You
You can only sneak around set as a tape measure ninja for so long before it gets old. Sometimes you just want need to stay next to the camera and get your marks. Introducing the laser measuring device: a technological godsend for the camera assistant who doesn’t have the time to walk on set with their soft tape measure.
The Ultimate Guide to Eyepiece Chamois
Eyepiece chamois are soft round pads that wrap around a viewfinder to provide comfort for the camera operator while also protecting their eyes from germs that can cause infections. To make sure you maximize the benefits, you need to buy the right kind and the right quantity.