It happens everytime a new camera is released. The film vs. digital debate gets dragged out of the mud it’s been trampled into and is subject to another beating. After that runs its course, a more nuanced debate starts happening: one digital system vs. another digital system.

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The Glorious Gluttony of Filming in Restaurants and the Best Meal I’ve Ever Had
What is so awesome about shooting in restaurants — good restaurants — is you get the satisfaction of a finely prepared meal without the guilt of paying for it. In fact, someone is paying you to eat it.
50 Things That Suck for Camera Assistants (and 50 Things That Don’t)
Filmmaking isn’t always fun. Sometimes it can suck — and suck pretty hard. The public persona of Hollywood may be glitz and glam, but there’s definitely moments when that facade falls apart, especially below the line.
Shooting with RED Epic #6: Know Your Camera’s Firmware and Its Limitations
While a steady stream of improvements on the software side is promising – and indeed the chosen course for digital cinema cameras today – it can sometimes mean an underdeveloped system being released with a camera, thus the beta-test complaints.
Shooting with RED Epic #4: Use the LED Status Indicators to Save Time
Unlike the RED One which seemed to add indicator lights on the body for no real purpose other than aesthetics, the Epic takes advantage of these lights to relay useful information about the camera. Of course, that depends on your ability to read them correctly.
Shooting with RED Epic #3: You’re Limited with Monitor Outputs and Options
RED has since fixed some of these monitor issues with software updates and hardware modules, but those working with a vanilla RED Epic should still be aware of monitor limitations.
Streaming Wireless Video to an iPad with a Teradek Cube
At this time last week, I was standing in front of a RED Epic camera watching myself watch myself on an iPad. That meta-moment was made possible by the Teradek Cube, a device enabling a video stream from the Epic to appear on the iPad in my hands with a latency of mere frames.
How My Days in Show Choir Made Me a Better Camera Assistant
When you think of show choir do you think of jazz hands? Glee? Shiny outfits and off-key singing? Probably the last thing you think about is camera assisting. Yet almost everything I do as a camera assistant I can trace back to show choir.
100 More Great Resources for Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Film Professionals
I’ve managed to dip back into the reserves to find 100 more resources for your insatiable consumption. You might want to bookmark this one so you can keep it as a reference.
5 Steps to Boost Your Professional Credibility
Professionals not only talk the talk, but walk the walk and are always trying to run. They want to be better than everyone else even if they know they can’t be in certain areas. They feed on the fuel of set work and power through the days you think you just won’t make it.