Whether you need to go back to basics or look towards the future of the industry, this collection of the best posts of 2011 has got you covered.

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Search results for "Film Etiquette"
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How to Piss Off Talent by Doing These Three Things Nobody Ever Tells You Not to Do
There’s a whole subset of setiquette that’s hard to master: how to act around talent. The last thing you want is cause the lead actor to go on a ranting tirade that ends up as a viral video. That’s why I’m here to tell you three things you should avoid doing – things nobody takes the time to tell you until after the fact.
Comment Corner: Week of April 4th
Compiling comment corner for Sundays is one of my favorite things to do. Filmmaking has always brought together creative individuals like you and here at comment corner, were able to do that by the powers of the internet.
Why Your 2nd Job is More Important than Your First
Getting your first job is huge. It’s shoving your foot through the door and blazing onto the freelance scene. When you do that, you catch the attention of the room and you better have the goods to deliver. And while the first job is indeed important, it’s really your 2nd job that you should be more worried about.