I know it sounds counterintuitive, but in some cases, slowing down may actually make you faster. Let’s look at an example…

Articles Tagged with "2nd Ac"
Be a Faster AC #13: Talk to the DP About the Scene
If you can steal them away for a few seconds, talking to the director of photography (DP) about what’s coming up is a perfect way to save time. You can then start prepping certain rigs, placing equipment on standby, and wrap your head around the best way to approach a certain shot.
Be a Faster AC #12: Customize the Camera
The camera is sacred to the camera assistant, but that doesn’t mean it has to be treated like an ancient artifact. If you’re so afraid about damaging the camera that you only touch it to start rolling on a shot, then you’re missing out on some great ways to speed yourself up.
Be a Faster AC #11: Label Your Cases Inside & Out
There’s nothing worse than heading to your toolbag for something specific, opening it up, and getting lost inside. But there’s a remedy: labels. And not just in your toolbag.
Be a Faster AC #10: Dictate Your Duties Effectively
At every level of the camera department, you will have to give directions to others. As a 1st assistant camera (AC), you will run the entire department. As a 2nd AC, you will segment some duties to a loader. As a loader, you may pawn help from a camera trainee.
Be a Faster AC #9: Wear a Pouch
A camera assistant’s pouch is designed specifically to speed you up. It’s made to put the most needed tools right on your hip so that what you need, when you need it, is no more than an arm’s length away.
Be a Faster AC #8: Keep Your Mouth Shut
Just think about the last time you tried to tell the story of that time the key grip punched a dude at the bar while also tinkering with the camera. Either the story suffered or the camera did.
Be a Faster AC #7: Make One Trip for Battery Swaps
On more than few occasions, I’ve called for a fresh battery from a 2nd assistant camera (AC) only to have them run to the charger, grab a charged battery, place it in my hands, then I give them the dead battery, they bring it back to the charger, and finally come back to set. Seems a little redudant, no?
Be a Faster AC #6: Stage Your Equipment Nearby
Having to leave set to go to get a piece of gear from your equipment cases is already a huge time waster. Having to leave and walk for more than minute to get it is outright absurd. The next time you walk to get something out of a gear case, ask yourself, “Is this too far away for me to reasonably fly-in equipment?”
Be a Faster AC #5: Use Your Sharpie as an Emergency Mark
If you don’t keep a Sharpie in your pocket, shame on you! I’ll have to report you to the Camera Assistant’s Council and they will recommend you for review and probation.