At, leader of the RED revolution and CEO Jim Jannard has released some stills that show off the new color science of the now in-production Epic cameras. Jannard flashes these new stills against some from the RED One, comparing colorspaces to give an idea of how much the company has improved the way its more sensitive Mysterium-X handles light.

Articles Tagged with "Red One"
RED Epic Officially Declared Ready for Production
On the forums RED CEO and owner Jim Jannard has announced that the long awaited RED Epic camera is ready for production. Seems like the wishful thinking for a 2010 release date paid off.
10 Things Every Camera Assistant Should Know About the RED Camera
On any professional set, it’s always the camera assistant’s responsibility to take care of the equipment and whether you’ll be working your first RED gig or your 100th, seeking out tips and advice can never hurt.
RED Scarlet Adds HDRx and $1,000 to Price
RED has come out with a slew of new details on it’s second line of cameras lately by way of Maybe that’s because it’s almost the end of 2010 and Jim Jannard needs to start delivering on his word. Either way, the RED Scarlet, the lesser of it’s line of DSMC (Digital Stills and Motion Camera) cameras has gotten an upgrade similar to it’s sister the RED Epic.
RED One Mysterium X Cameras Now Available to Buy, Original Sensor Dead
Digital cinema’s favorite color coded company is now taking orders for the Mysterium-X equipped RED One cameras. Mysterium-X sensors were previously only available as an upgrade and in the forthcoming Epic and Scarlet cameras. The sensor’s main draw is it’s ability to be more sensitive to light and handle color better, as Pete Jackson found out. But while the Mysterium-X being up for purchase is good news, it doesn’t come without a price…
How To Make the Red Digital Cinema Camera Go
This video has been on the web for awhile now, but I just got around to posting it. It was posted by DP Timmy Rubensteiner who has his camera assistant Bubba Jo show us how the RED camera works.
My Summer as a Camera Assistant: ‘Ghosts Don’t Exist’ Aftermath (Part 3)
Saying goodbye is always bittersweet, but was especially so on this film. I had felt mentored by many of the crew who had put up with my naiveté and as such I grew to become good friends with many of them over the course of the month.
On Set: Shooting with the Arri Alexa (with Video)
Over the last weekend, I was 1st Assistant Camera on a short project and had the opportunity to use the ARRI Alexa, the company’s new flagship digital cinema camera.
My Summer as a Camera Assistant: ‘Ghosts Don’t Exist’ Production (Part 2)
I arrived on set for Day 1 early in the morning after a nice 40-minute commute to our location in Leesburg. I liked the drive, it gave me a chance to wake up and to consider everything. I had spent the night before pounding into my head as much as I could fit from my camera assistant’s “bible” and was ready to hit the ground running.
Behind the Scenes Video of ‘Below the Beltway’ Movie
On Vimeo, videographer Nelson Cuellar put together a short behind the scenes clip of the shoot that shows some footage, behind the scenes moments and interviews from Below the Beltway, an independent film shot on RED in DC last summer that I worked on.