Digital cinema’s favorite color coded company is now taking orders for the Mysterium-X equipped RED One cameras. Mysterium-X sensors were previously only available as an upgrade and in the forthcoming Epic and Scarlet cameras. The sensor’s main draw is it’s ability to be more sensitive to light and handle color better, as Pete Jackson found out. But while the Mysterium-X being up for purchase is good news, it doesn’t come without a price…

Articles Tagged with "Red"
How To Make the Red Digital Cinema Camera Go
This video has been on the web for awhile now, but I just got around to posting it. It was posted by DP Timmy Rubensteiner who has his camera assistant Bubba Jo show us how the RED camera works.
On Set: Shooting with the Arri Alexa (with Video)
Over the last weekend, I was 1st Assistant Camera on a short project and had the opportunity to use the ARRI Alexa, the company’s new flagship digital cinema camera.
Behind the Scenes Video of ‘Below the Beltway’ Movie
On Vimeo, videographer Nelson Cuellar put together a short behind the scenes clip of the shoot that shows some footage, behind the scenes moments and interviews from Below the Beltway, an independent film shot on RED in DC last summer that I worked on.
On Set: Making a RED One Shoulder Mount
What do you do when a rental house gives you two handles, a baseplate, and a towel for a handheld rig and the production gives you no wiggle room in the budget? You grab some power tools and make a sweet do-it-yourself should pad.
Toolkit DIY: Homemade Hoodman
A hoodman, a cover that provides shade over a screen, is necessary on the brightest of days to see a monitor. While many production monitors come with them, they’re harder to find for small camera monitors such as the RED LCD. Luckily, with a bit of gaff tape and cardboard a hoodman can be whipped up quick enough and be portable enough to save for other occasions.
Peter Jackson’s Red One Mysterium-X Sensor Tests
Recently at NAB, Jim Jannard, founder of Red, showed a video of Peter Jackson that he also posted on In it Jackson talks all things Red as well as shows some tests he shot with the new sensor.
RED Epic and Scarlet Cameras By End of 2010?
Reading off Engadget, found at the comprehensive forums, Jim Jannard (founder of RED) has apologized for the “embarrassingly late” production delays on the Epic and Scarlet cameras. He explains the cause of the delay was a bug that took months to find and put a “bullet in the back of it’s head.”
The “Frankenstein” Steadicam
A couple of weeks ago I was called for a short film being shot entirely on a Steadicam with a RED One camera. The RED One is a heavy camera, so I was prepared for a bit of tweaking during our prep, but I wasn’t expecting the amount of DIY we’d really have to do.
Filming “Heather” Over the Weekend
Directed by Lisa Crawford with cinematography by Kuni Ohi, “Heather” tells the story of a lonesome woman who is deeply in love with her cat and constantly trying to avoid interaction with other people, especially men.