For those with heavy experience, this video is a nice reflection of what you encounter everyday. For those new to the film industry, this video is a brief, concise crash course in the basics of how a film crew operates.

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Can’t Attend NAB Show This Year? Here’s the Next Best Thing…
Tony Reale and Matt Jeppsen are the masterminds behind NextWave DV and Fresh DV and they’ve teamed up to bring as much insider access and filmmaking perspective to NAB Show 2012 as possible.
Batting Baseballs with Pancakes and Why You Shouldn’t Settle for “Good Enough”
To freelance in the film industry is to always glean more knowledge from every show you work on. And the spec commercial here that teases “Roddick is Coming” is no different. As an AC on the shoot, I ended up with a few lessons learned.
The iPad Slate iWould Use
The iPad, like most Apple products, is commonplace on film sets. Producers use them to watch dailies, directors use them to keep production notes, actors use them to keep themselves busy while they “hurry up and wait” and, increasingly, camera assistants are using them to slate.
Throw Yourself Into the Fire: A Career Challenge
Today I’m here to tell you that being thrown into the fire is an excellent way to achieve things you never thought were possible. So watch the video above and find out why you should relish being uncomfortable on set and take the challenge I set forth for you.
The Ultimate Guide to a Camera Assistant’s Toolkit
Every camera assistant will have different tools depending on how they work. That’s why it’s important to peak into what other camera assistants have to offer. So I’m going to show you what I have in my toolkit today and also give you advice on what I think you should have in yours.
Is the Camera Department Right for You?
It’s time to find out whether or not you have what it takes to make it in the camera department. While I got lucky when I fell into camera assisting, I want you to be aware of some of the demands you’ll be met with if you decide to pursue a career in camera.
How Shooting On Location is Like Summer Camp
This is something many of you may have felt before and just not articulated it, or you didn’t even realize, but it’s definitely true – there’s a lot of similarities to going to a summer camp or going on location for an extended period of time to shoot a feature film.
Media Management 101: Basics of Data Wrangling
With digital cinema showing no signs of slowing down – and data rates accelerating – having the skill in your repertoire to properly manage data is crucial. Even if you never do data loading yourself, knowing how the process works helps you manage your department.
Interview with 2nd AC Sterling Wiggins from MakingOf
It’s easy to find interviews with big players on film sets, but it’s harder to point the camera on those behind the camera in the first place – the camera assistant (AC). With some luck, however, you can find the odd interview with an AC, like this one with 2nd AC Sterling Wiggins.