forgive me while, for a brief moment, we take the time to reflect on The Black and Blue — what it’s become and where it’s going — and wish it a Happy 3rd Birthday!

News About The Black and Blue and Its Community
Most Recent Articles in "Website"
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Happy 2nd Birthday to The Black and Blue!
On January 4th, 2010, I transformed The Black and Blue from a portfolio site into a full-blown blog for camera assistants. I had no idea what I was embarking on, but I knew the information I planned to share was unique and needed by tons of people like you striving to become better crew and filmmakers.
Get Your Free Copy of “Becoming the Reel Deal”
The inevitable question anybody starting out in film wants to know is how to get a job — their first job. Becoming the Reel Deal: How to Launch Your Film Career in the Camera Department is a 200-page eBook designed to help you get that crucial first gig within the camera department. And it’s available for you to download for free today.
Get the Updated (V1.1) RED One Pocket Guide
Do you want to use the RED One with ease without feeling overwhelmed? Right now is the perfect time to download a copy of the RED One Pocket Guide to help you use the camera — as of today it’s been updated!
Get Your Free Copy of the ARRI Alexa Pocket Guide
You get the most essential information about the ARRI Alexa onto one sheet of paper that can fold up and fit in your jean pockets. I even went the extra mile this time around by making a mobile-formatted version perfect for smartphones.
Get Tips and Updates from The Black and Blue Newsletter
I am pleased to announce the launch of The Black and Blue newsletter! I am promising with this newsletter free exclusive content and a way to get the latest updates. Essentially, you will receive the best of The Black and Blue in your inbox.
The Black and Blue Redesign Is Live!
It started with a tiny little thought in the back of my head that, “it could be better.” For the most part, I ignored it. I wasn’t initially open to redesigning The Black and Blue, especially after I had already substantially changed the look twice in its relatively short lifetime.
Announcing the RED One Quick Reference Pocket Guide
Today I’m pleased to announced the RED One Quick Reference Pocket Guide. It’s a full-page, printable document designed to fold up into your pocket and allow you to reference some of the more technical aspects of the RED One camera.
Become a Fan of ‘The Black and Blue’ on Facebook!
If you like to get updates via the social network, you’ll be happy to know that The Black and Blue has recently got itself a Facebook page. Please become a fan if you’ve enjoyed this blog and show your support!
Happy 1st Birthday to The Black and Blue!
On January 4th, 2010, The Black and Blue was borne into its current iteration with a simple site redesign, effectively transforming the site from a portfolio into a blog for camera assistants. Since then, there has been remarkable feedback from readers and supporters and I cannot thank each one of you enough!