As crew, we watch actors get all the perks, the fancy trailers, and the later call-times. The result of this is a perceived gap between crew and the talent; A natural divide of us Morlocks who toil away behind the camera and the blissfully beautiful Eloi who traipse in front of it.

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10 Cool Production Stills Submitted by You
For the past week or so I’ve been urging people to upload some of their best and most interesting production stills to The Black and Blue Facebook page. The feedback was awesome, so thank you to all who submitted! After carefully scouring through them, I compiled the most interesting photos you liked best.
The Battle with Producer George – Part 1
When I was starting out in the industry, on one of the first films I was ever 1st assistant camera (AC), I had to defend myself against a producer who had placed a target on my head. There are a whole slew of reasons why I remember George – including how we met.
Comment Corner: Week of May 16th
If you’re reading this then you’re safe and I’m safe. It means we survived the impending rapture apocalypse that was predicted to take place yesterday. So now you can stop watching films like Mad Max and Terminator in preparation of a post-apocalyptic world and go back to a predictably normal life.
The Black and Blue Redesign Is Live!
It started with a tiny little thought in the back of my head that, “it could be better.” For the most part, I ignored it. I wasn’t initially open to redesigning The Black and Blue, especially after I had already substantially changed the look twice in its relatively short lifetime.
Comment Corner: In the Beginning…
You are important to me. Yes, you. And you have great ideas — grand ideas — and even better ways of doing things than I can even imagine. Sometimes you even take the time to tell me about them. So, I want to try something new at The Black and Blue and it’s all about you, the reader.
Become a Fan of ‘The Black and Blue’ on Facebook!
If you like to get updates via the social network, you’ll be happy to know that The Black and Blue has recently got itself a Facebook page. Please become a fan if you’ve enjoyed this blog and show your support!
Happy 1st Birthday to The Black and Blue!
On January 4th, 2010, The Black and Blue was borne into its current iteration with a simple site redesign, effectively transforming the site from a portfolio into a blog for camera assistants. Since then, there has been remarkable feedback from readers and supporters and I cannot thank each one of you enough!
From the Front Line of Production: Shooting with RED Epic in 3D on Spiderman
It’s been traveling all over the forums and major blogs that John Schwartzman, ASC is shooting the new Spiderman movie in 3D with a pair of RED Epic cameras and Ultra Prime lenses.
100 Great Resources for Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Film Professionals
One of my goals when I started this blog was to be a place that could redirect its readers to valuable resources they might not otherwise find. Well, I have taken this to the extreme and listed out 100 resources for cinematographers, camera assistants, and film professionals that features everything from places to find work, to books, to podcasts and forums.